Saturday, July 9, 2016

Whole Foods Serves Breakfast with Their Excellent Breakfast Buffet

I didn't know but Whole Foods Markets serves a pretty good breakfast buffet. The food is healthy and you can pick just what you want. We are starting to pull together how we will be eating on our trip. It seems one of the best ways is using the grocery store food courts. We get what we want, can eat healthy, no lines or waiting and we save the tip. So many stores these days also have seating areas and clean bathrooms. We have been testing it out. I also downloaded the Whole Foods App today and we can use their store locator. Lots on the East and West coasts, but lots of grocery stores are doing this
Whole Foods has and excellent breakfast buffet, who knew?
Check out your local Whole Foods Market for food courts, salad bars, and lots of pre-packaged and fresh ready to go foods, also Wegmens and many others.
#roadtrip #wholefoods

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